ok fine, so they went to bukit gambang. this morning, it was raining during the time of subuh. so sejuk2 mcm tu kan, best je untuk tidur smula. ape lagi, tarik selimut ahh. tiba2.......
elektrik xde!! ok fine, take off the blanky away coz its pretty warm la pulak. my roomate reported to the technician about the electricity thingy. and so we went to class as usual with the hope that after class, when we get back to our room, the problem would have been fixed.
so balik bilik, tgk bilik still xde elektrik lagi. panas hati betul lahhh...... nak report kat mahallah office, dah abis office hours. so we waited. dlm pukul 6 we went out for dinner. with the hope, again, yang bila dah balik ad elektrik smula.
dalam pukul 7 balik bilik tengok2 xde lagi!!!!
aduhaiiiiiii.... dalam hati mengomel sorang2.. malang betul la nasib aku ni. tak dapat g bukit gambang. elektrik seharian xde. so we all complained to one brother and then few minues after that... around 830 mcm tu elektrik dah ada smula.......
YAY!! trime kasih ABG TECHNICIAN!!
second part of the story, kan tadi cerita kiteorang satu bilik g keluar makan... so we rent a car, a manual kancil that costs 4 bucks per hours. dinie drove the car.. hari ini dalam sejarah tu.. dinie bawak kete manual. ye lahh selama ni dia duk drive kete auto je. i am so proud of u girl!!!
bila kat bukit je dia macam cuak kan. hahahaah kelakar betul. pas tu kalau lepas naik bukit je, kiteorang bersorak kegembiraan. bila kereta undur ke blakang masa kat bukit tu, dah cuak2 dah. aduhaii....
and so, i guess that would be it for today.
catch u guys later!
1 other fingers talking:
heyyyyy! igt lagi tak? its me, amalina kedah :D
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