Monday, December 5, 2011

seasonal flu

you know you are sick (fever, flu, n cough) when.....

  1. you have a non-stop running nose. rasa nak cabut idung, gantung tempat lain, kau nak berair, hah berair kat situ sorang2.
  2. blocked sinus
  3. you have a bunch of tissue paper by your side wherever you go.
  4. your head feels like its going to explode any moment.
  5. you cant swallow coz its freaking painful
  6. all of a sudden, you lost your appetite (even ade goreng pisang, mee goreng mamak depan mata)
  7. your mouth feels wierd.
  8. every move you made, your joints feels like a broken hinge
  9. any single touch to your skin, even if it is your sweater, feels like a thousand needle pricking into the skin, deep to the bone.
  10. your submandibular lymp node will be palpable and tender on palpation.
  11. your tonsils will be inflammed
  12. you dont want to do anything, but to lay down on your bed, curled up in your blanky and read a book.
  13. suara lu serak-serak basah mcm penyanyi rock woooo!!! hoyeahhhhh!!! rock steady!!
  14. mata yang merah dan kuyu saje... mcm zombie dah aku rasa..

i have all the above. kau ade?
been fighting since thursday. harini dah cecah threshold. tadi nampak white dot on the left tonsil. esok ptg wajib pergi clinic. will have to skip oral surgery clinic session tomorrow.

lagi 2 articles xsiap lagi. deng!! bila nak siapkan nih? dgn assignment lg menanti jumaat nih. oii idung. sudah2 lah tu kuar mucus nye!! tak reti penat ke?

nk tnya mizah boleh x hantar lusa article tuh, agak2 dia bg tak?

2 other fingers talking:

H A N said...

" have a non-stop running nose. rasa nak cabut idung, gantung tempat lain, kau nak berair, hah berair kat situ sorang2..."

part last tu memang Farah Azmi punya trademark...hahahaha... :D

Farah Azmi said...

hahaha nice one anep. xpe tu tandanya pe yg aku tulis tuh telus dari hati. haha =P

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